IDEA # 367

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Shirai Yoshihisa, IDEA
Seibundo Shinkosha
All + Idea + Publications

Idea #366 is devoted to the feature “An Alternative History of Poetry in Japan 1945-1969” – an exceedingly thorough examination of the development of Japanese graphic design and typography filtered through the lens of books on poetry. This issue is an absolute must for anyone interested in Japanese design history. The issue also contains the history of Japanese ‘zines, as well as an excellent bilingual feature on contemporary Asian graphic designers. Lavishly designed, this issue is a standout.

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An Altetnative History of Poetry in Japan 1945-1969
or A Gutenberg Elegy in a Thousand and One Steps

Chapter Ⅰ Tombstones or seeds
1 Iwanami classics
2 Shincho library etc.

Chapter Ⅱ Poetry books as king of books
3 Date Tokuo: Shoshi Eureka
4 Oda Kyuro: Shichosha
5 Yamada Koichi, Suzuki Kazutami and Oizumi Fumiyo: Shoshi Yamada
6 Kimura Eiji: Shichigatsudo

Chapter Ⅲ Man-machine or home recording
7 Kusama Kyohei: Nihon tosha insatsu kenkyujo, Kusama sakuhin hanpukai
8 Wakayama Yasouji: Nihon kohan kenkyujo
9 Kameyama Iwao: Nagoya mamehon
10 Sasaki Kikyo: Press Bibliomane

Chapter Ⅳ Underground or Shibusawa school
11 Ishii Kyoji: Gendaishichosha
12 Yaki Shoji: Togensha
13 Kumono Ryohei: Bijutsu shuppansha
14 Yamaki Kazuhiro, Naito Mitsuko:
Kawade shobo, Tokyo shoseki, Shichiyosha, Haga shoten, Tensei shuppan, Toshi shuppansha, Barajujisha and Shuppansha

The World of Jun Ito:Reconsideration of Japan Graphic Exhibition
Hideki Nakazawa, “The next stage of Art history started from Jun Ito”
Design by Toshinobu Nagata

All we know about Japanese Zines Vol.0;”ABC of Zine”
Text by Barbora and Momo Nonaka
Editing by Takeshi Maeda
Design by Kei Sakawaki
Illustration by Hisashi Okawa

Age of Infographics Vol.3
[Diagram and Statistics] Design of Understanding–Infographics in the Enlightenment age: Between illustrations for natural history book and modern graphics
Text and Design by Yasuhito Nagahara

Yellow Pages Vol.3: Xiao Mage & Cheng Zi (Beijing) [English & Japanese]
Text by Tetsuya Goto
Associate Editing by Javin Mo
Design by Sulki & Min

Setagaya minwa Graphic Exhibition and Graphic Design
Talk by Atsuki Kikuchi and Daijiro Ohara
Design by Toshinobu Nagata

Supplement of Idea no.366 “Visual Communication in the Post-Internet Age”
O Fluxo’s Online Exhibition and the Catalogue
Visual Works of V5MT

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