Idea #408: Pixels Speak: Worlds of Tiny Dots and Design Aesthetics

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

The latest issue of Idea is focused on pixel art from Lucas Pope, Toge Productions, Mojiken Studio, Pixpil, WONDERPOTION, Sabotage Studio, Sukeban Games,SOMI, Odencat, and room6! Comes with 2025 Idea calendar!

Idea #407: Towards a Future Bound to Print Media

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

This issue of Idea’s primary feature is a wide-ranging look at contemporary independent publishers in Japan.

Idea #406: Ikki Kobayashi

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

The latest issue of Idea is largely devoted to the work of the amazing Ikki Kobayashi, one of the leaders of contemporary Japanese graphic design.

IDEA Magazine Annual Subscription!

Idea + Misc. + Publications

USD $190 postpaid (free international shipping included!)

We are pleased to offer annual subscriptions to IDEA, Japan’s leading graphic design magazine to the world!

Idea #405: Sneaking a Look

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

A special issue of Idea dedicated to visual representation… of the invisible.


Fonts + Idea + Publications

USD $20.00 (immediate download)

Kimbo is a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator that adds 13 new tools in 2 tool groups to Illustrator’s tool palette. These tools permit the creation of artwork that would otherwise be difficult or time-consuming to create. Updated for CC2023/2024!

Moji Image Graphic


USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

The new 289-page bilingual E/J guide to contemporary Japanese graphic design.

Idea #404: Co-creation between AI and us

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

In recent years artificial intelligence (AI) has become the topic of international conversation, and though there are more than a few who feel threatened by the existence of AI, this issue of IDEA focuses not on ‘Us vs. AI’ but on the potential of ‘Us & AI’ working together.

Idea #403: Typeface design for the voice of the world: The Works of Toshi Omagari

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (including international air shipping)

A special issue of IDEA dedicated to the work of type designer Toshi Omagari. This fully bilingual E/J issue is a must for type designers and typographers—it will knock your socks off! Each issue ships with a beautiful specimen booklet for Omagari’s revival typeface family New Centaur!

IDEA #402: Opening Paths with Small Press Publishing

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

The latest issue of IDEA is dedicated to independent publishing practices in Japan and the Future of Distribution in Japan.

IDEA #401: Wayfinding for City Spaces: Bridging navigation and signage with design

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (including international air/SAL shipping)

The latest issue of IDEA is dedicated to graphic wayfinding in the contemporary moment.

IDEA #400!

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

The 400th issue of IDEA! This landmark issue features an amazing retrospective of every single back issue and so much more… comes with the 2023 IDEA calendar!

IDEA #399: In the Design Field Today

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

A stunning new issue of IDEA dedicated to design studios working in branding! A visual powerhouse of an issue!

IDEA #398: Ryoji Tanaka / Illuminating Graphics

Idea + Publications

USD $55.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

A special issue largely dedicated to the work of Tokyo superstar design team Semitransparent Design’s CEO Ryoji Tanaka.

IDEA #397: Encountering Books: Art Book Fairs of the world, Distribution and Communication

Idea + Publications

USD $55.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

IDEA #397 is largely dedicated to global art book fairs and features reviews of contemporary art book fairs around the world, accompanied by essays, inserts, and a whole lot more!

IDEA #396: Explore Color Design

Idea + Publications

USD $55.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

A special issue of IDEA dedicated to contemporary design that embraces new approaches to color. IDEA #396 includes two additional custom printed inserts, the IDEA 2022 Calendar, and also features an overview of the hottest young Japanese graphic designers.

Corinthians Press 002: Zombie Somnambulence


USD $50.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

Order Corinthians Press 002, the new 324-page bilingual J/E book featuring new visual work and essays by Patrick Tsai, Shirana Shahbazi, Chris Ro, Naohiro Utagawa, Ian Lynam, Mr. Keedy, Yuko Amano, Ed Fella, Yuki Kameguchi, Scott Massey, Yunim Kim, and Chris Duncan.

Idea #395: Designing the Digital World: Game Experience and User Interface

Idea + Publications

USD $55.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

This issue of IDEA is completely devoted to games: an experimental visual review of the history of UI design in digital games, with game selection and editorial supervision by game developer and AI researcher Youichirou Miyake.

Writing Writing


USD $12.00 postpaid (international air shipping included)

A new collection of writing and design by Ian Lynam, Matthew Monk, Randy Nakamura, Chris Ro, and Gail Swanlund

IDEA #394: Class for Graphic Design Circle of Education, Research and Practice

Idea + Publications

USD $55.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

The latest issue of IDEA is devoted to different aspects of design education globally.

Total Armageddon: A Slanted Reader on Design


Sale! $10 off! USD $30.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

Total Armageddon is a 400-page book of design writing from Slanted Publishers edited by Ian Lynam.

The Impossibility of Silence: Writing for Artists, Designers & Photographers


USD $27.00 postpaid (International shipping included)

The Impossibility of Silence is a 200+ page paperback for creative folks interested in approaching writing about their vocation and culture.

Moji no Mihon Font Identification Guide


USD $35.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

Moji no Mihon is the ultimate guide to identifying Japanese fonts in the digital age! This 280-page softcover book includes specimens of key characters of hundreds of Japanese fonts so that you can identify type on the fly!

IDEA #393: The Manga Internationalé

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

An amazing issue of international manga, design exhibitions and type design! Includes a beautifully designed additional booklet about indie publishing.

Trip to Japan Graphics: Must-Visit Design Destinations in Tokyo

USD $25.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

A 150-page bilingual guidebook with a fold-out cover/map that shares Tokyo’s top design destinations from Kenya Hara, Ian Lynam, and other key figures in the Tokyo design scene.

Start Somewhere by Ian Lynam


USD $12.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

Start Somewhere is a 76-page handbook about how to become a designer who writes. Most designers grapple with generating their own content. This zine is full of writing about *how* to write and more importantly, how to get started.

IDEA #390: The Fashion Issue

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

The newest issue of IDEA is a reflection on contemporary and historic fashion and its intersections with graphic design.

The Letter I: On Authenticity


USD $15.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

A brand new 52-page booklet by Ian Lynam that examines notions of authenticity via design, consumption, and history.

Graphic Waves


USD $40.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

Graphic Waves introduces the works of leading designers and independent labels working at the forefront of the music industry. An incredibly inspiring and well-designed book featuring some of the most inspirational design work today.

Ruder Typography Ruder Philosophy

Idea + Publications

USD $55.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

The defining 226-page hardcover book on the typography and philosophy of Swiss master typographer Emil Ruder, showcasing his work, influence, and legacy in the world of typography and beyond.

IDEA #389 – Feminist Moments

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

Issue #389 of IDEA examines the f-word. That’s right: Feminism. (Plus some contemporary theory, history, rad portfolios, and Swiss design today.)


Idea + Publications

$50.00 USD postpaid (International SAL shipping included)

IDEA’s guide to graphic design biennials old and new!

IDEA #385: Locality

Idea + Publications

$USD 50.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

Idea #385 explores notions of what it is to be a local with interviews and portfolios of work from designers in Tohoku and Kansai, as well as featuring a showcase of work and writing by Ian Lynam and a new booklet insert by Rudy Vanderlans.

IDEA #383

Idea + Publications

$USD 50.00 postpaid (international SAL shipping included)

IDEA #383 is a guide to current design culture across Asia, notably in South Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan in both English and Japanese.



USD $10 Postpaid (International SAL shipping included)

Coloring Inside the Lines/Coloring Outside the Lines is a 36-page handbook about what the hell to do when you are about to graduate from design school.

IDEA #376 – Graphic designers and exhibitions

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (including international SAL shipping)

IDEA #376 is dedicated to graphic designers and graphic design exhibitions yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Idea + Publications

$50.00 USD postpaid (international shipping included)

IDEA #372 is an excellent look at the work of Daijiro Ohara, one of Japan’s most popular and award-winning young designers. Ohara’s graphic work is helping to define contemporary Japanese design aesthetics.

Parting It Out by Ian Lynam


USD $45.00 postapid (international shipping included)

Parting It Out is a collection of essays spanning much of Graphic Design as it applies to aspects of contemporary culture – from the Olympics to Japan to typography to R. Kelly to Cuba to sign painting.


Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

IDEA DOCUMENT is an extraordinary fully bilingual English and Japanese language collection of the absolute best writing on type design, type development, typographic history and typeface designers chosen from the past 20 years of IDEA magazine.

IDEA #369: A History of Graphic Design in Japan: 1990-2014

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

Idea #369 is devoted to the feature “A History of Graphic Design in Japan: 1990-2014” – a visual chronology of the development of Japanese graphic design over the past decade and a half.

IDEA # 367

Idea + Publications

USD $50.00 postpaid (international shipping included)

Idea #366 is devoted to the feature “An Alternative History of Poetry in Japan 1945-1969” – an exceedingly thorough examination of the development of Japanese graphic design and typography filtered through the lens of books on poetry.

IDEA #362: Contemporary Designers in France

Idea + Publications

$50.00 USD postpaid (including international shipping)

Idea #362 focuses on designers active in the contemporary French graphic design scene.