Parting It Out by Ian Lynam

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Ian Lynam
All + Publications

Parting It Out is a collection of essays spanning much of Graphic Design as it applies to aspects of contemporary culture – from the Olympics to Japan to typography to R. Kelly to Cuba to sign painting. A practicing graphic designer, design teacher and design critic based in Tokyo, Ian Lynam has crafted an assembly of writing that is equal parts personal narrative, design criticism, design history and cultural study.

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View sample spreads from the book in PDF format here.

You can check out tons of details about the book on the Parting It Out microsite here.

Parting It Out collects previous writings by Ian Lynam published outside of the American graphic design press alongside previously unpublished writing. The topics within are diverse, yet primarily focus on the subject of graphic design.

The book itself is lovingly designed, with extreme detail given to both the typography and the imagery within. It has been printed using a mix of unique printing processes and features heavy duty binding so that it will remain a design classic on your bookshelf or on your coffee table.

  • – Softcover, 256 pages, lovingly printed in eight spot-colors and two split fountain ink combinations in Japan on fine acid-free paper.
  • – Indestructible UV softcover binding.
  • – Die-cut wraparound cardstock dust jacket.
  • – Foil-stamped fabric jacket.
  • – Heavy-duty cardstock cover.

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